Not a member yet? Join us today! Register or renew today! HBMBA is a trail association operating in the Hamilton and Burlington region. We are a volunteer led not-for-profit with a mission to advocate on behalf of our members for mountain bike trails, maintain trails, and grow the mountain bike community. hbmtba Creating a unified voice for mountain biking in Hamilton and Burlington. Advocating for the creation and development of a sustainable trail network. We’ve booked our AGM. Save the date for Wednesda Wishing our mountain biking community a safe and h The Hamilton Conservation Authority (@hamiltoncons The @hamiltonconservation Dundas Valley is part of Our Director of Trails for West Hamilton (@adampal We are looking forward to our event next weekend a ⭐️Registration is now open!⭐️ Take a Kid M Thank you to those who came out to Sunday’s Dig Load More Follow on Instagram